New year, New Goals

 Well happy 2021 everyone! (I know I'm a month late ๐Ÿ˜‚) 

January started off with another meeting of KY4ARC via Zoom. I finally sent in my dues so I should now be a member.

This year I decided to set a goal of participating in as many contests as I can. I started off this month with the North American QSO Party, SSB. I didn't have as much time to operate as I originally expected. After operating for about 2 hours I only ended up with 15 QSOs. Noise seemed to really bad on 40m. 80 meters was a little better, though I had some trouble breaking through the pileups. Of the 15 QSOs 13 were on 80 meters and 2 were on 40 meters. Overall all I had 12 multipliers for a total score of 180. 

Winter Field day was supposed to be my next contest, but thanks to a power outage the Friday before the start of the event my main shack computer shutdown and now fails to boot. So my logging and digital software were inaccessible. It's been on it's last leg for quite a while. It desperately needs to be replaced. I'll eventually finalize a parts list and start purchasing parts to build a new more powerful computer for the shack. Until then I'm going to try and nurse the current one back to health.

Other than a couple of DX FT8 contacts earlier in the month that is about all I've done radio wise. I did manage to make a contact with South Africa I think that's my first. I may send out a couple of QSL cards to stations from the NAQP. I haven't sent any out in a while.

Well that's all for now. Hope to catch ya' down the log!




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