Back at WVU!

So, I got a little off track with the posting schedule while moving back into my apartment in Morgantown and starting classes. Man it was a lot more work than I remember!

I finished my VHF FM setup at the apartment. I'm using my Yaesu FT-2980R (at about 30W). I have
Yaesu FT-2980r w/ MFJ power supply
it connected to a Nagoya UT-72 (1/4 wave VHF). I had to replace a connector on the end of the coax. It came loose a few years ago and just got around to fixing it! 

The antenna is mounted using one of the suction cup mounts I made. With this setup I can reach the W8CUL & W8MWA repeaters (I use these two most often) and I can receive them with full quieting. I'm looking into a few options for a small indoor HF antenna for the apartment so I can get the IC-706MKiiG setup on HF.

Antenna on suction cup mount
This week I also attended Morgantown Wireless Association's monthly meeting. Always good to see this group! Unfortunately due to my class schedule it doesn't look like I'll  be able to attend very few of their meetings this semester.

The officers of the WVU Amateur Radio Club had our pre-semester meeting on Tuesday as well. It looks like it's going to be an awesome year! I'll be posting more about our activities as the semester progresses.

In the next week or two I'll be checking out a small very affordable VNA. I may dedicate a whole post to a review of it.

This weekend is also the WV State ARRL Convention. I'm going to try and attend, and hopefully get a few people from WVUARC together and make the trip to Jackson's Mill.

On the website I added the last of the QSL cards that needed to be scanned (for now) to the QSL Archive. Eventually I'm going to go back through the Archive and add more details of the QSO to the description to make it easier to search.  I'm really happy with how the site has turned out!

Well that's about all that i have for now. Short post this week. 



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