Another week in...(and some HF updates)

Well, it looks like I'm posting on Friday now. Isn't it funny how your schedule schedule is set the all of a sudden BAM another change!

A few things have changed with the apartment HF setup since I last posted. I now have an HF antenna! I picked up a Buddistick Deluxe pack. It's a nice compact portable multiband vertical
Buddistick setup in front of my door
antenna. It can easily operate on 40m-10m at 250 watts! I haven't had much of a chance to try it out yet. I managed to set it up the night I got it and could receive the OMISS 40m net pretty well. Tried a transmission on low power (I haven't fully tuned the antenna yet) and wasn't heard. I'll work on getting it tuned over the weekend.

I also ordered a USB digital interface for the 706. I went with the XGGCOMMS Digimode-3-Icom. It shipped this week so I'm looking forward to working some digital modes (mainly FT8) from my apartment.

I have also be using the W8CUL Station to try and participate in the Hiram Percy Maxim Contest. Using a tri-band yagi and an Elecraft K3s makes it a little easier. Though I have been fighting band conditions I have only made 2 QSOs so far. I'm planning to operate a little over the weekend to finish out the contest.

This week I also completed the Heartsaver First Aid CPR and AED course. I've been wanting to do this for a while. I felt that it was a necessary training to take, given that I work a few public service events each year (Marathons, bike races, parades).

Ready for the W8CUL Net!
The WVU Amateur radio club held our first meeting of the semester this week! We had an awesome turnout! Quite a few people have already paid dues as well! Hopefully they all are active members! We also held the first W8CUL 2m net of the semester. I created a new net control script for this semester to better accommodate traffic handling, since we call it a "Traffic & Information Net". I acted as the net control station and took 10 check ins, including myself. Overall not too bad for the first net of the school year!

Well I think that's all I've got for now!


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