My 100th QSO!

So something special happened this week (spoiler it's in the title)!

I made made my 100th QSO!

On October 2nd I was working 20m FT8 from W8CUL's shack when I noticed a callsign in a format that I didn't recognize. I looked it up on QRZ and it turned out to be Johannes Hafkenscheid, 5T5PA, from Nouadhibou, Mauritania which is on the Northwest coast of Africa!

I immediately clicked his call to start a QSO and BAM! He responded on my first call. I was over the moon! Not only was it my 100th but it was also my first QSO with someone in Africa!

The next day the QSO was confirmed on QRZ and LoTW!

For the QSO I was using W8CUL's Elecraft K3s with 50 watts into a tri-band yagi. WSJT-X was running FT8, JTAlert was logging from WSJT-X to my N3FJP ACLog.

Below are a few screen grabs from My logbook, LoTW, and QRZ. I had a photo of the actual exchange but forgot to save it.

Definitely going to have to mail out a QSL Card for this one!

See you down the log!

N3FJP Log Entry

N3FJP Log Details

QRZ Logbook Record
LoTW QSL Record
Endnote: I feel like I should mention that the QSOs that I am counting are all HF with the exception of one UHF DMR contact with KA6LMS that is deserving of being in the log!


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