Busy February...so far

Boy oh boy February has been busy. The first round of exams have started and a few class projects are starting to pick up. With all that my free time to play on the radio has substantially decreased.

I've had to put aside a few of my projects as my main PC's motherboard decided to fail. I've had plans to build a new more powerful, more capable PC for a while, I just didn't expect to start on it this soon. I'm going to be slowly buying the parts I need. I'll hopefully finish the build around March.

On the radio side of things my setup is a bit different. I'm using my Icom IC-7300 with an LDG AT-200ProII auto tuner. I'm also not using my Buddistick vertical any more, I've switched over to a hamstick dipole setup for 40m and 20m. It seems to work ok, but with all the interference around the apartment complex it still isn't going to work as well as I would like.

WVUARC is still going. We had our first meeting of the semester on January 30th. Attendance was pretty low, but it seems like other clubs on campus have been having that issue as well. We had a great presentation by ARRL WV Section Manager Dan Ringer, K8WV. He even donated a bunch of books to the new W8CUL Reference Library!

W8CUL was supposed to operate in the ARRL School Club Roundup, but of course something had to break. The fuse in our rotor controller blew, and it just had to be one that we didn't have a spare for. So, we only made two contacts. We'll eventually operate in a contest and do well!
Teaching @ WVUARC Tech In A Day (N8MDC Photo)

On February 15th WVUARC hosted our first Tech In A Day class. We had 19 people attend the full class. Of the 19, 11 passed their tech test. Overall we had 24 people take tests, of those 12 passed tech and one person upgraded to Extra! We ended up administering 49 tests. I actually had to close registration for the event, that's never happened before! I ended up running out of tech tests, thanks to a couple no shows I had just enough for the people who were there! We're already working on planning for the second one on April 18th.

In other news I got approved for three awards from the FT8 Digital mode club. I qualified for the
Worked Grid Award-100 for making contacts in 100 different grid squares. The next award was the
Worked Region 2 Award-Bronze for making contacts with 10 hams in region 2. The last award is the Worked Prefix Award for making contacts with 100 hams all of whom have different callsign prefixes.

I also got an award from QRZ.com. I got their Grid Squared Award for having confirmed contacts in 100 different grid squares. It goes nicely with the World Radio Friendship Awards (20m Mixed/20m Digital) I already had. I need to order my certificates.

I've decided to organize my QSL cards into a binder with photo pages of sorts. I also want to put all of my  awards in there, at least until I have a permanent shack and can hang them on the wall.

On the Website I've updated the equipment lists and added an awards section to the logbook page. I might redo a little bit of the formatting. I think I still need to scan at least one QSL card and add it to the album on the site.

I think that is enough of an update for now!

See ya down the log!


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