Quarantine April: In Review

Well I didn't get around to posting a blog in April. With all of my classes switching to online instruction, I didn't get around to writing an update so here it is (a lot late)!

I FINALLY moved my G5RV from the mast behind directly behind the house to two trees further up the hill. I used the antenna launcher to shoot the lines up into to trees and it worked amazingly! The antenna is now in a flattop configuration and is about 25 or 30 feet further up the hill. It's gained about 10 to 15 feet of elevation. The SWR is lower than when it was in the inverted-v on the mast.

I still need to drop the mast and tune the VHF yagi. I'd like to be able to get on the local repeaters via RF at some point! It shouldn't take long if I can get it on the ground.

I would like to get around to building a few antennas and working on some other projects but all of my electronic equipment and tools are currently stuck in my apartment in Morgantown along with some of my radios (like my FT-2980R). Hopefully I can get them back to Kentucky soon. I'd like to set up a semi-permanent shack/office in the upstairs of my house. But there's a lot of work to do before that happens.

I did pick up a MFJ-564B iambic paddle (I do have a straight key attached to a practice keyer but I prefer the feel of the paddles). I've decided to start learning CW. It's going to be a long journey but I'm excited to see where it takes me!

I'm planning on attending the virtual Contest University on May 14th. I was wanting to attend in person for the first time. I may also participate in the Hamvention QSO party or a few of the livestreams from vendors to see what they have to offer!

Well looks like this blog is a short one (without pictures)! Hopefully May's blog will have more content!



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