Slow September

 Well September has come and gone in this crazy year. EMT Class has been keeping me pretty busy so not much has happened radio wise. I've made a few contacts on good ol' FT8, but that's about it operating wise.

I applied for several awards from the FT8 Digital Mode Club. Hope to hear back that they are approved soon!

Some home improvement projects have been completed so I can finally start looking for a new desk. Moving back from my apartment I lost a decent chunk of desk space so everything (radio and non-radio) is crammed on one desk with no storage, just a hutch on top of it. I forgot how hard it was to find a desk that fits both space and personal requirements ๐Ÿ˜. 

In other news I received my ARRL ballot for this years election of the Great Lakes Division Director and Vice Director. I hope all of my fellow members with elections in your division/section cast a vote!

I also made a few updates to the code plug in my 878UV. Eventually I'll get around to updating the radios in the car. Unfortunately my pi-star hot-spot has stopped working. Not sure what happened to it, seems like the MMDVM board is functioning but the Pi-zero is not. I've tried re-flashing the image and replacing the SD card. I've been wanting to upgrade to a duplex model, maybe this is a sign to pick up a duplex board!

I was able to attend KY4ARC's monthly (virtual) meeting for October. I'm looking forward to becoming a member in January when the dues are due!

Well that's all for now! No pictures this time!

See ya down the log!



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