Exciting News for December!

 Well you haven't heard from me in a while. I've been super busy finishing up my EMT class. I'm proud to say I passed the class, skills test, AND National Registry exam! Glad that's over (even though the class was fun and I made friends)! now I can start looking for a job.

NREMT Certificate
NREMT Certificate

Well that's enough about that, now on to radio.

I haven't had much time to operate but I have been playing around on FT8 here and there. I did qualify for another award through the FT8DMC, the Panamanian Stations Award. I know a lot of people don't like these awards because there's no absolute verification like with DXCC or WAS but I enjoy them. Eventually I'd like to have them made into a large collage to hang on the wall.


One of the things that I"ve been wanting to try, that I finally got around to, is remote operating. I had some free time after a test and decided to see if I could work some FT8 while remote at class. I connected to my desktop via Teamviewer and was able to control JTDX fairly well, though there seemed to be a slight lag. Everything worked and I was able to make a couple of contacts (there was a slight logging issue but I realized that I forgot to actually click "log" ๐Ÿ˜). I'm looking foward to trying more of this in the future!

Recently I've been thinking alot about my mobile setup in the car. The Connect Systems BFD that I use with the 800D is taking up a LOT of space and makes it awkward for anyone sitting in the passenger seat. I haven't really used DMR in the car since I left WVU. I think I may switch back to the regular control head for the 800D and relocate them to the dashboard or CD slot if I can figure out how to route the wires.

Well that's all I've got for now!

Happy Holidays! Stay safe!


Cameron Hale, NREMT
(yes I'm using the postnominal. I earned it!)


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